Georgian Water and Power
"Georgian Water and Power" (GWP) is a leading company in the water supply market of Georgia and the South Caucasus. The company provides high-quality service to the population of Tbilisi and Mtskheta and state organisations, industrial and commercial objects.
The company provides high-quality service to the population of Tbilisi and Mtskheta and state organisations, industrial and commercial objects. More than 3000 company employees ensure delivering water and wastewater services to Tbilisi residents. Georgian Water and Power serves about 510 000 customers throughout the city, Including - Residential 480 000; Nonresidential 30 000. The company produces and transports quality, clean and vital products: drinking water around the clock uninterrupted.
What we do
Georgian Water and Power generates electricity as well. Power is generated by Zhinvali Hydro, Tetrikhevi Hydro, and Bodorna Hydro plants. Hydro plants are connected to the unified power system of Georgia.