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Energy resources
in Georgia

An energy resource is something that can produce electricity. An energy resource is divided into two parts: renewable and nonrenewable. The word says that renewable energy is unlimited. The most common types are hydro (water), solar, and wind energies.


A nonrenewable one comes from a fossil energy source with limited supply and can be used only once. These types of energies are oil, gas, coal, Etc.

Thereworldwide are both energy resources in Georgia, but due to the lack of gas and oil, it mainly depends on imports from other countries…


It is possible to extract mainly low-calorie coal from nonrenewable resources in our country, which supplies 350 million Tons. Despite the lack of nonrenewable energy, Georgia has a large amount of renewable one. In Georgia, after producing wind energy comes solar energy. Nowadays, the full potential of the estimated solar energy is at 695 GWh, while wind energy is at 4680 GWh. 


Currently, for 2020-2021 (after the development of balancing mechanisms), it is possible to integrate 1167 GWh of wind and 170 GWh of solar stations in the Georgian energy system (25% of the potential); According to the forecast for 2030, it will be possible to integrate 4680 GWh of wind and 695 GWh of solar stations, which means 100% utilisation of the potential.


Georgia is significantly rich in hydropower resources. There are about 26,000 rivers in Georgia. Except for projects in national forest parks and protected areas, only 300 rivers have technically and economically beneficial energy potential. Their annual production resource is 40,000 GWh.


All three types of energy are recognised worldwide as green, The safest for the environment and nature. Georgia's raw data show that the country's largest energy resource is hydro capital. Compared to wind and solar energy, hydropower generation requires less area coverage and investment. In addition, its service life is much longer.

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