Georgian Renewable Energy Development Associa unites up to forty members

Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC
187 MW Shuakhevi Hydro Power cascade comprising of the 178 MW Shuakhevi HPP and 9 MW Skhalta HPP. The Project is being developed by a Georgian company Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC...

Caucasus Clean Energy Holding (CCEH) was founded on the 25th of August, 2015. CCEH aims to invest in the building of small ...

DEKA possess and operates small and medium-sized hydropower plants. L.L.C. "DEKA" with the help of its affiliated company L.L.C. "Artana Lopota" ...

Energy Solutions
L.L.C. "Energy Solution" was founded in 2014. Its main objective is to construct and develop small and medium-sized hydropower plants in Georgia ...

Until 2012 Giorgi lead: a real estate developing company, "Dutch House Georgia - D.H.G." with his dutch partners ...

"Georgian International Energy Corporation" (GIEC) is one of Georgia's largest multi-function energy companies ...

" Georgian Water and Power" (GWP) is a leading company in the water supply market of Georgia and the South Caucasus ...
Parvus Group
"Parvus Group" was founded in 2019 by partners with many years of experience in the energy and management sector. Its portfolio includes several successfully implemented small hydropower projects...

"Georgian Hydro Power" LLC (GHP)
"Georgian Hydro Power" L.L.C. (G.H.P.) is an Engineering, Consulting Company for Hydro Power Plants (HPP) development ...

Georgian Hydro
willl be added
soon ...

willl be added
soon ...

willl be added
soon ...

Hydro Energy Corporation L.L.C.
willl be added
soon ...

J.S.C. Nenskra Hydro
Nenskra Hydropower Plant Project comprises Nenskra (HPP) – the most significant strategic hydropower plant in the history ...

LGT MAKSANIA owns a micro hydropower plant built in Tsalenjikha municipality, city Jvari on the outskirts of Enguri hydropower plant ...

MG Renewables
willl be added
soon ...

N.N.L.E. "Small and Medium-Sized Hydropower Plant Development Association" is a non-profit (non-commercial) legal entity whose primary ...

Peri specialises in delivering construction projects for hydropower plants, power transmission lines, pipelines, roads, bridges ...

LTD Pshavela is a hydropower plant working on the sanitary water of Zhinvali dam. The hydropower plant is located near ...
Ltd. Mtkvari HPP
LLC "Mtkvari Hesi" is building the Mtkvari hydroelectric power station with an installed capacity of 53 MW in the municipalities of Akhaltsikhe and Aspindze.
შპს უსასრულო ენერგია
შპს უსასრულო ენერგია ერთ-ერთი მსხვილი და კვალიფიციური დეველოპერია საქართველოს ქარის ენერგიის ინდუსტრიაში...
სს დარიალი ენერჯი
სს “დარიალი ენერჯი” დარიალის ჰიდროელექტროსადგურის პროექტის განმახორციელებელი კომპანიაა...
შპს ყაზბეგი ჰესი
შპს "ყაზბეგი ჰესი" ყაზბეგის ჰიდროელექტროსადგურის პროექტის განმახორციელებელი კომპანიაა...
საქართველოს განახლებადი ენერგიის კომპანია (GRPC)
საქართველოს განახლებადი ენერგიის კომპანია (GRPC) - საქართელოში ერთ-ერთი უმსხვილესი საინვესტიციო კომპანიის Georgia Capital-ის ჯგუფის წევრია...
შპს აჭარ ენერჯი
შპს “აჭარ ენერჯი” აჭარის რეგიონში ფლობს და მართავს კირნათისა და ხელვაჩაური 1-ის ჰიდროელექტროსადგურებს...
შპს ენერგია
შპს „ენერგია“ 2010 წელს დაარსდა. კომპანიის საქმიანობის სფეროს ჰესების მშენებლობა და ელექტროენერგიის გენერაცია წარმოადგენს...
Bemoni Engineering and construction
Bemoni was founded in 2017. It brings together experienced, highly qualified professionals to provide the best service to our clients...
Georgian Dynamic Power
Georgian Dynamic Power was founded in 2018 and is mainly engaged in the construction and reconstruction of high-voltage electric transmission lines and substations.
Sungrow Renewables Development
Sungrow Renewables Development Co. Ltd. is the investment division within Sungrow group of companies with 10+ subsidiaries worldwide and 35 GW of developed portfolio including wind, solar power plants and energy storage solutions.
ANDRITZ Hydro is one of the world's leading suppliers of electromechanical equipment and services for hydropower stations in the dynamically growing global renewable energy market.