GREDA has introduced the gender mainstreaming initiative Women in Energy with the support of the U.S. Embassy.
With the initiative, the association aims to increase and enhance women's participation in the energy sector of Georgia. Designed to become a sustainable platform, the initiative will encompass various projects directed to raising awareness of career opportunities in energy sector among female school students, to support female students at the specialized universities and to create a dedicated network for female professionals in the sector.
US Ambassador Kelly Degnan and GREDA Supervisory Board Chairman Giorgi Abramishvili addressed the participants of the event. The official part was followed by the discussion of the challenges and opportunities in the field in which about 50 women working in energy sector took part.

"According to GeoStat data, today the number of women working in the energy sector of Georgia accounts only 16% of the total number of employees. Although this field globally employs more men than women, our country's statistics in this regard are much lower. Low awareness of the field among high school students and certain stereotypes in the society are among other factors that contribute to this data. Within the framework of our new initiative, we plan to work in different directions both with schoolgirls and high school students with specialties related to energy field. In addition, we will collaborate with the women working in the energy sector, in order to ensure more involvement of women in the field", - noted Irina Petriashvili, the Deputy Director of GREDA.